Friday, May 29, 2009


Imagine finding a booth set up with all this luscious pinkness...all I could do was stand and stare!

First off I would like to say Happy Birthday to our pink day sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound blogspot! What a fun and creative idea she had a year ago. Wander over to her blog for a list of folks participating in this weeks event. This is probably the last pink day I will be in for a bit as things around here in the summer are very busy and there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I like to do! But, I will return from time to time when things slow down.

My pictures today are from an antique show I went to a couple of weeks ago. We had our town's annual festival for 9 days and I have tons of pictures I wanted to post but haven't gotten to it yet. However, the antique show was part of the festival and I will share all these lovely pink pictures with you now.
From the top shelf to the table below, everything had a pink theme. If you click on the pictures to make them bigger, you can probably see the prices the owner of this booth was asking for her wares.

Happy Pink Day, and I hope everyone has a wonderful summer!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Welcome to Pink Saturday! This Pink Beauty is at the local community center!

Well I am BACK.....not that I have been anywhere but I am back with a post for Pink Saturday after a few weeks kind of got in the way...don't you just hate when that happens? Spring came and with that came spring cleaning and just a million little things that kept me away. Be sure and drop by Beverly's blog at How Sweet The Sound for a list of all the participants in this weeks event!

This is a darling little set I found for my granddaughter and her play kitchen last Christmas! Of course it just had to come home and go under the Christmas tree as it is both mine and her favorite color...PINK!

This same little princess granddaughter found a cup (that perfectly describes what she would like to be if she had her way) in the Los Angeles airport last summer when we were coming home from Disneyland!

And here in person, is the little princess who owns all this neat stuff. As you can see she is in her favorite color and has Hello Kitty decorating her top.

And lastly, the princess and I were browsing through the local Disney store a couple of weeks ago and when we checked out, the clerk asked if we wanted to purchase one of their "promo" items. I asked what they were and she pointed to the shelves behind her where various cups were on display. Out of three shelves of cups, there was exactly one pink one and of course my eyes went directly to it...and Tinkerbell and the pink cup came home with us...I mean really, who could resist Tinkerbell on a pink cup!

Happy Pink Saturday everyone and thanks so much for stopping by!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Header Changes!

I changed my header picture and of course there is a story behind the header picture!! In 1962 we went to Hawaii for the first time. As it was indeed the "olden" days, the plane was a prop plane and the flight took something like a gazillion hours to get there! The trip was a last minute plan for some reason. In fact my birthday is the 22nd of December and my Mom had already sent out the birthday invitations for my party. Instead, that was cancelled and we celebrated Christmas early so that everything would not have to be packed up and taken with us and we went to Hawaii. Santa brought me a Chatty Baby that year. And he brought my little brother a talking Bugs Bunny. Of course they both came with us. My Dad travelled a lot for business in those days and my brother always went with my Mom to the airport when his plane would leave. He was fascinated by planes and always wanted to go too so this particular year he finally got his wish. We boarded the plane. Seat belt buckles on, cabin lights dimmed, and we taxied out to the runway. Just before we left the ground, a little voice started crying and saying "Mommy, tell them to turn back".....of course we did not turn back and the plane carried on down the runway. It was a rough ride through the night skies but we eventually ended up in Hawaii and it was love at first sight for me. Chatty Baby came along and my grandma knitted her a sweater and hat. I still have them but Chatty baby has been gone to parts unknown for many, many years. Recently I went looking for a doll like the one of my youth and finally found her on Ebay. No one was bidding and at the last minute, I did and got her for a really great price. She is just like my doll of long ago with pinwheel eyes and Canadian of course. Who would have known then that 45+ years later Canadian Chatty dolls would become the most coveted of all Chatties? Both of my Grandma's also came to Hawaii with us and my Aunt, Uncle and their two son's so it was a very festive trip. I am going to ad a little fuzzy photo (I wish I were talented enough to unfuzz and darken it but I am not!) to this post of us in Hawaii. The little girl on the left is holding my Chatty Baby and I am at the back right holding one of the other little girls Chatty Cathy that Santa had brought her for Christmas. We had found a big group of children to play with and these children were the offspring of US soldiers stationed in Hawaii.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Beechnut Buzz Campaign

I belong to something called the BZZZ. Recently I was invited to join a campaign for Beechnut Let's Grow Toddler food Innovation. A week or so ago (actually maybe a little more than a week ago) we received the campaign kit which included 6 boxes of toddler biter biscuits, 5 packages of yogurt berries and cherries nibbles and 6 boxes of sweet potato 7 grain nibbles crackers. The yogurt nibbles have been a real hit. The kids and their friends have enjoyed them and pop them like candy. The biter biscuits...well...not so much...apparently not much flavor there and the kids complain they are too hard. Possibly these would be more targeted for the real infant crowd. I will try and hand out some boxes to Mom's of smaller babies at tiny tot playtime this week. The 7 grain sweet potato crackers are also proving to be popular. we have handed out many of them to various children. I think we would like to try the Arrowroot cookies next time we go to the store. I am sure they would be popular and was a little disappointed we didn't get a box to sample. Also included in the kit are 5 cards that contain wildflower seeds!! This is going to be a really fun project for us as soon as the weather improves. Kids always love to plant and grow things! I have been handing out samples of product for the last week or so to various Mom's we talk to at preschool and community groups and so far the feedback from them has been quite positive! Thanks Bzzz for a great campaign that I am happy to be a part of!