Sunday, April 15, 2012


We seem to have had the winter that just never quits or ends once again this year. It wasn't especially cold or snowy just rain, wet and darned chilly and damp most of the time. Lately though ,the sun has been coming out now and then and this last few days have even brought a few warm days...well...for us warmish....  Today before my weekly trip to take my Mom from the hospital out on a outing I took one of my Chatty Cathy's out in the yard as my daffodils are in full bloom and my purple azalea's are as well and you just never know when the rain will come pouring down and wash all the blossoms away! I just love the purple azaleas.
Many, many years ago hubby was building a stone fortress around a prominent home and the landscapers working on the property were busy pulling out and cutting down all of the foliage so the stone walls could go up. They threw all the rhododendron and azaleas on the pile to go to recycling so hubby asked if he could take them. They were in pretty sad shape at that point having been dug up by the backhoe and sitting on a rubbish pile for days. Anyways, he brought them home and for lack of a better place at the time, planted them in the middle of the backyard. We didn't know if they would live or not but they did and now they are big and strong and have the prettiest flowers every spring!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


We were invited to Ana's third birthday party today. She will turn 3 on April 4 and my Mom, her Gramma will turn 86 on the same day. It was a fun party and Mom enjoyed being invited and getting out of the hospital to go there. Ana's birthday had a darling Hello Kitty theme!
 The birthday girls!
 Ana wanted Gramma to wear a party hat like hers and Gramma was a good sport and wore one too!
 My Little Pony was a hit!
 The Hello Kitty Cake
 Ana's birthday bear, she liked the "Today's Your birthday" song it played much better than the traditional singing of Happy Birthday to You...LOL..and the red flashing Happy Birthday sign was another of her favorite things.
 Gramma and Ana trying to get one of her presents out of the much packaging on kids stuff these days. Ana is a girly girl and always has the cutest little outfits on!

Even better than eating the cake is making mud pie out of the left over remnants of it! It was a delicious ice cream cake!