Max and Molly enjoyed their trip although Max being the neurotic animal he is, wanted to spend a lot of his time in the truck. He would stand at the door of the truck and cry until we let him in and then he would lay down and go right to sleep. He has been to this place several times before so I am not sure why he wasn't comfortable this time. what a goof!!
Comments and Statistics - A Big Surprise #1
There were no plans to do an article on Cabbage Patch Dolls.
I thought that I had written alot of information on them.
3 days ago
That's the funniest thing I've read in months!
Is that Max's robe for his dip in the pool? Maybe that would cheer him up. I laughed so loud Kelsie ran in the computer room, now she is sitting on the couch top growling out the window at something. I never can see a thing, it gives me the creeps.
Your pictures are really good, I love to see other people's travels, yours looks exotic for some reason. Also, I like the snap of the cabin, I never noticed them while we were there. Harrison is my favorite place in BC, and Hawaii is my favorite place in the world.
You think you have problems with computers?
Most times I try to leave a comment, I'm asked to try the word verification, and I fail...
And have to try again...
I love it when other people tell me their computer problems, it makes me feel so much better.
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