This very special day started early as we were celebrating Loretta's birthday!

Here is the birthday girl on the lanai at the hotel with her birthday goodies!

We then set out for A/G Place at The Grove. Along the way we passed this spectacular tree which thanks to "twitter", Robert found out was a Jacaranda tree. They were in bloom everywhere and so very pretty!

Anyone who knows me knows I love palm trees, this one was on the way too!

ohhhh....we are getting close!

More palm trees as seen from the freeway in our car!

The corner before we got there!

This, believe it or not, is taken in the washroom at the parking lot of The Grove.

Loretta and Robert as we exited the parking lot.

Some little girls getting ready for their visit to A/G Place

A lovely wall mural on our way through The Grove

Big posters of Harry Potter decorated the lamp posts

Me at a fountain along the way

The street we walked down

An impressive statue

We ate in the cafe in the store and this is the appetizer

This cutie is Gwen who sat with us for lunch and was given her very own tea cup

Lunch time!

The main course!

Loretta and Rebecca enjoying some friendly chit chat during lunch

It is Loretta's birthday so her desert was served with a candle and chorus of Happy Birthday!

Desert is a sugar cookie, tiny cake and a flower pot of chocolate mousse

Hooks to hang your dolls in the restroom

Chrissa doll of the year in her A/G place exclusive apron

table talkers on the table and doll sized tea cup

me outside of the front entrance

dolls of the year from years gone by

Loretta checking out the stock and what to purchase...too many choices...

such cute stuff to buy! So hard to choose!

but, choose we did as the packages in front of us show!

Loretta checking out the clothes at Forever 21

All too soon it is time to head back to Anaheim

Look at these sunflowers in a yard we passed on our way back to the freeway!

Emily and Gwen decided they were coming home with me and donned their shopping bags to carry home some of their treasures!

hmmm...where are our seat belts anyways????

Emily's twin came home with Loretta, here she is arriving back at the hotel!

And here we are with our new girls back at the hotel, what a wonderful adventure we had!
1 comment:
Linda, the photos are lovely! Yours turned out better than mine. The pics bring back happy memories! After all the heat of our summer, June seems like a looong time ago!
BTW, the word verification below is "paryt". Isn't that funny?
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