In January of 2010 our beloved Disney store closed it's doors and moved out of our province. It was quite distressing to self professed Disney addicts like myself. The Disney store is the highlight of my trips to Metrotown Center in Burnaby. With great sadness I bid them farewell.
A couple of months ago I noticed the signs go up and store fronts boarded up and pictures of Mickey Mouse appeared...oh my, excitement, our beloved store was returning!! And in a great new location almost right underneath the food court so very central!
A couple of nights ago my friend Loretta emailed me and asked if I wanted to meet at the mall at 7 am today for the opening, She also is a Disney addict. Anyhow, I couldn't quite see standing in a line up for 3 hours waiting for the store to open and I told her I would probably go up about 8:30 as that seemed like a better time to me....she replied that she would come about 9:15 and would look for me in line. I really wasn't expecting a crowd...boy was I wrong....when I arrived there were people everywhere. My first hint was why were so many parking places in the massive parking lot already full when the mall doesn't open until 10 am?? I should have figured that one out. Oh my gosh, it was like opening time in Disneyland Park, crowds everywhere!
There were cameras and news stations filming the opening, and they had some sort of opening ceremonies but I missed quite a bit of it BECAUSE....the store opened EARLY!!!! Now why on earth didn't their banners all over the mall say early opening?? We asked a cast member who advised us that a new store was also opening in Ontario today and they wanted to open both stores at the same time and do news feeds of both openings at the same time on the big screens TV's they had all over the place. So they compromised and Ontario opened late and our store opened early.
I got into line and was amazed when the line started moving and they were letting us into the store and it wasn't even 9 am. I hadn't yet met up with Loretta and had to continue with the flow of people, the line up extended into the parking lot of the mall.They were giving everyone in line Mickey Ears to wear.
When I got into the store, I noticed a number of people being handed very fancy special shopping bags.... I used to be very independent and try and figure everything out for myself however as I age in this fast moving technical world I have discovered if you snooze you lose so I asked a cast member...she told me she thought they were media packages, I pointed out the people who had them looked like Mom's and Dad's and not media types and I asked her to check. She went and got her supervisor Melissa...who turned out to be all of what Disney should be...wonderful. Melissa told me that the members of a place called Four Square were sent this offer and if they signed up and made it to the store fast, they would get the promo offer. She kindly explained what Four Square is (sort of) and we managed to download the app onto my phone, fill out the forms needed and find the offer and thanks to her kindness and help, I received one of the 25 promo bags they were offering! I was number 19 of 25 according to the Four Square site. I was so excited...but wait, it gets better....I thought I was just receiving the bag and I was very happy to receive it.... I finally connected with my friend Loretta who had come after I was in the store and couldn't face the line up. She had gone upstairs to sit down so I joined her upstairs and while I was sitting there I discovered my bag wasn't just a had goodies in it!!! The first thing I unpacked was a stuffed Mickey Mouse, then I unpacked Mickey ears, I had received some in the store as well....I kept looking and there was a lovely Mickey Mouse hard cover journal, next out of the wonderful bag was a lovely little book about the Disney store and then I noticed I had a piece of paper in my hand as well and when I turned it over I discovered they had given me a 25.00 gift certificate to the Disney store...oh my what a wonderful bag full of goodies!!! Pictures of the goodie bag and contents are in the photos below.
This is one of the murals/facings on the outside of the store.
Here they are at the media center filming all the excitement.
The man and woman with the blonde hair were the "host and hostess" of this event.
More of the camera folks.
Once in the store I saw this lovely display of Ariel things. There are tons of interactive things for kids to do in this new store. The little ones all seemed to be having a great time coloring and getting stickers and looking into magic mirrors and crawling under displays that are actually set up for them to crawl through!
It doesn't show up in the photo but on the branches and leaves of the trees there are some kind of screen with Disney favorites princess's on them like TV screens...kind of like Fantasmic does in Disneyland. I am not technical so have no idea what it is or how it works but it was pretty cool to look at!
This is the line up a couple of hours after they has opened, it extends out the doors behind all those people and into the parking lot.
Just like at the Disney Parks, they had a "designated" stroller area for parents to park their strollers, it was just way too crowded inside for a lot of strollers.
Loretta and Mickey outside the store.
Me and Mickey and I'm even wearing my Mickey ears...once a kid always a
The Goodie bag....awesome!! Thanks Four Square and thanks Disney Store, this was way more than I had even imagined it would be!
The next events scheduled are Minnie Masquerade Friday April 8 at 4:30 and 6:00, Saturday April 9 at 11:00 am and 12:30 Pm and these will be in advance of a special TV show being broadcast on April 11 on the Disney Channel.
The official grand opening is April 16 and will feature Mickey and Minnie and a free gift will be given to the first 500 guests to arrive. It starts at 10 am (and they tell us this time will NOT change...) and then 12 - 4 there will be a meet and greet with Mickey and Minnie.
The Disney Store is opening with a big bang! I Love it and I am so happy to have them back!
Comments and Statistics - A Big Surprise #1
There were no plans to do an article on Cabbage Patch Dolls.
I thought that I had written alot of information on them.
3 days ago
Wow you had a ball today and what a nice surprise with that bag of goodies.
Wish I had been there too, lol.
Marlene Brown
Kalani and Mommy came, too...but the line up was WAY too long, so we took the train ride around the mall, and he was looking for you, but then had to leave to get Jaime . The End :)
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