Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
This is a darling little set I found for my granddaughter and her play kitchen last Christmas! Of course it just had to come home and go under the Christmas tree as it is both mine and her favorite color...PINK!
This same little princess granddaughter found a cup (that perfectly describes what she would like to be if she had her way) in the Los Angeles airport last summer when we were coming home from Disneyland!
And here in person, is the little princess who owns all this neat stuff. As you can see she is in her favorite color and has Hello Kitty decorating her top.
And lastly, the princess and I were browsing through the local Disney store a couple of weeks ago and when we checked out, the clerk asked if we wanted to purchase one of their "promo" items. I asked what they were and she pointed to the shelves behind her where various cups were on display. Out of three shelves of cups, there was exactly one pink one and of course my eyes went directly to it...and Tinkerbell and the pink cup came home with us...I mean really, who could resist Tinkerbell on a pink cup!
Happy Pink Saturday everyone and thanks so much for stopping by!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Header Changes!