Saturday, October 22, 2011


 The first picture is one someone sent on to me and I tracked down the location and it is in Woodstock, I love all the lite up pumpkins!

We are joining in A Fanciful Twists Virtual Halloween Party! This is the first year I have attended and it sounds like a lot of fun!

 My Chatty Cathy's celebrate every year, Since my kids are all grown up now, I compensate and dress up the dolls these days!
 Katie Effanbee is trying to tell Chatty there is someone or something behind her!
 This photo was taken at my friend Loretta's house last Halloween, Loretta always has her house done up so pretty for the holidays. My bleuette Madeline also came for tea.
 One of our local stores is selling all kinds of neat witches and things to celebrate the occasion.

 My little Bleuette Emmy hopes everyone has a Happy Halloween and we both would like you to visit Vanessa and get the links for all the other participants in this virtual Halloween Party! Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment and I will try and get to everyone else's blogs to see what you have in store for this lovely virtual party!
Please help yourself to a seasonal cupcake as you leave!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Now I know I said that one more post would do it for my summer series however....after the convention banquet was over...not terribly late....we raced to our rooms, got changed, made it back to the street just as a bus to the park arrived, got on that bus and I bet we were in that park 20 minutes after we left the ballroom....Robert had spent the evening there while we were at the banquet so Loretta phoned him and told him we were on our way back...we just couldn't not name is Linda and I am a Disneyaholic...

finally a ride that didn't break down or have to be evacuated!

Goodby Walt, goodby Mickey!

The clock on Main Street says the park is now closed
Goodbye Disneyland, till we meet again!

Goodbye convention, it was the trip of a lifetime!

Goodbye Anaheim Hilton, we had a wonderful time...wish we could have spent more time in those fabulous pools!

Monday, October 17, 2011


On Friday, the last day of the convention, we decided to use our last pass to Disneyland, we had three day passes and it was so hard to fit them in, who would have guessed.... We started very early in the day so there wouldn't be line ups and we wanted to have Breakfast at the Riverbelle Terrace which is another place we enjoy eating at.

 We had some issues with rides this trip, one night we did the Jungle River boat ride...backwards in the dark...some kind of "incident" had happened. They gave us fast passes when we eventually were able to get off. We used one to go on Snow White early this particular morning...we were a few seconds into the ride and the ride stopped, the lights came on and eventually they walked us out. When we got outside, the area was surrounded by security and roped off and there were sniffer dogs entering the one ride. An entire section had been shut down. Of course being Disney you will never know what happened but they were looking for something and once again we were taken off a ride before it was completed!!

 our favorite breakfast at the Riverbelle Terrace.

 I took my fast pass from the earlier ride evacuation and crossed to Disney's California Adventure where I did the single rider option and went on Soaring over California which is one of my favorite rides and then I went hunting for the new Ariel ride. As we were on a tight schedule due to the banquet at convention, I used the fast pass and rode the Ariel ride so I could tell my granddaughter what it is like as Ariel has always been her favorite princess. In pubic she feels she is too old for princesses at the ripe old age of seven however in private she still loves them.

 Coming next summer is the new Cars ride, California Adventure Park is coming into it's own with many great new rides and attractions
 These things are in the area "It's a Bugs Life" which is a very cute area for the smaller crowd.

 Even the flowers in this area are different than the run of the mill ones you see in other areas, these ones were pretty neat looking in person.

now you might think this was goodbye Disneyland but tune in tomorrow....

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Friday evening the convention wrapped up with a banquet for all the members who had bought a full registration to the convention. The pictures below were taken at UFDC Anual convention in Anaheim in July 2011.

 Robinette arrived in our room before the banquet with her Maman and she had a gift, a lovely party hat that her Maman had found in the salesroom and then later she had run into the lady who sold it to her in the elevator and she gave her a leftover one and told her she could give it to her friend. We were so happy to have the pretty pink party hat and just at the right time as we were wearing our new party dresses for the banquet!

 Aren't we just picture perfect for a banquet?
 Robinette models her hat while she looks through the darling Disney bag that Tante Christine had given to each of us at the table. Alas there were lots of gifts but no one had told Maman or Tante Loretta to bring gifts so they weren't prepared at all.
 Loretta, Marie, Mary and their girls.
 We sat at table 98. The tiny little doll on the Christmas centerpiece is Andre, he is the companion doll to the one we received at the banquet and was for sale sperately. Pay close attention to the centerpiece because there is a surprise at the end!
 Marianna is admring the centerpiece while AnneLise's pretty model in her blue ribbon dress shows us all the tiny beads her Maman sewed onto her outfit.
 The first course arrived, we weren't too very sure what it was but it sure tasted good!
 Between courses we played and met all the other Bleuettes at the party.
 This very beautiful dress is another of the creations sold at Sylvie Bravots booth at the Rowbear sale. She has a website if anyone wants to look at her lovely things.

 The main course arrived. It was very good.
 Group picture!
 The final course arrived and it was very fancy!
 We are so excited because everyone at each table received a number and then the MC at the front announced which number they drew and if you had that number you won the centerpiece and got to take it home and oh my, my Maman won it!!! Luckily it was able to be taken apart and stored in the box below for transport and I helped Maman put it back together when we got home. Isn't it cute?
 The doll given out at the banquet for all the members attending was a big surprise and not unveiled until the night of the banquet. She is named Aimee by Darlene Lane and she is about 5 inches tall, see her picture below, she is darling.

 Marie and my Maman and Marianna and I
 Loretta and Ann
Marie and Loretta and Marianna and Robinette

And that was our trip to our first ever convention of any kind, we had such a good time and had no idea we would be so busy all the time but gosh it was fun....Maman has one more post to do to wrap up the summer vacation series, our last day at Disneyland.