Friday, January 23, 2009


It is hard to believe but it is Friday again...yeah!!! We had a busy day which started with a doctor's apt at 8 am and continued all today. I am feeling quite proud of myself right now as I just went outside and managed to remove the wreath from the door, the garland around the door and all the Christmas lights outside....and I didn't fall off of the chair and break my neck so all is good!! That was my biggest worry as I am home alone and I don't think the three dogs here would be able to dial 911 should I fall....they are pretty smart but I haven't taught them how to dial the phone and that is probably a good thing. We always laugh and talk about how it is a good thing Molly cannot talk. I think a lot of the time we don't want to know what she is thinking. She makes noises, loud hrmphs to make her displeasure known when she is annoyed. And have I mentioned Max the dog who counts all his toys and wanders around the house crying if any are missing? Many a night I have crawled all over looking under couches and chairs trying to find one of his missing "babies". It is kind of hard to believe unless you have actually seen him do this. He is quite a character. Very set in his ways, a very nice dog.....most of the time....Molly may not agree...she is a fuss budget and moves around a lot when she is going to sleep and many a night Max has had enough of her and lunges at her making this high squawking noise while he nips at her head...he never hurts her, he is just warning her to cut it out, she is disturbing him.

I am having a hard time keeping things straight with the new calendar. Today apparently the dogs had a grooming apt. As I didn't yet have a calender in use when they had their last one, I forgot to write the apt now I have to call and reschedule and apologize for messing up the schedule. I have a funny feeling I did this last January also...

Dakotah opened her Christmas gifts from "Auntie Retta" the other day and enjoyed them all. I don't think I have posted a picture of her with her gifts yet. It is hard to believe we are still having Christmas in these parts...amazing how snow messes up everything.

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Linda, you made me laugh so hard with this post that I choked. LOL I'm glad D liked her gifts; hopefully she doesn't have any of them. I hope she really enjoys the work books; they looked soooo cute. I'm sure she's smart enough to do them. Notice that I gave her way more than that poor kid brother of hers? Hmmm...Max and Molly sound like such characters.